Tina Jones Gastrointestinal shadow health

Tina Jones Gastrointestinal shadow health

Started: Feb 16, 2025 | Total Time: 118 min

All Lines (170)Interview Questions (110)Statements (11)Exam Actions (49)

Hello. My name is Curtis and i will be your provider today. I will start by interviewing you and later do a physical exam Greet
02/16/25 1:57 AM EST
What is you name? (Clarified to What is your full name?.) Question
02/16/25 1:57 AM EST
Tina Jones. (Clarified to what my full name is.)
What is you date of birth Question
02/16/25 1:57 AM EST
February 17th.
What brings you to the clinic today Question
02/16/25 1:58 AM EST
I’ve been having this stomach pain for awhile. It keeps coming back, and it really is starting to bother me.
Sorry to hear that you are feeling bad Empathize
02/16/25 1:59 AM EST
I appreciate you telling me that.
When did the pain start Question
02/16/25 1:59 AM EST
Probably at least a month ago. Maybe longer. It started out really minor so it took me awhile to realize it was getting bad.
Where is the pain located Question
02/16/25 1:59 AM EST
It’s like… my upper stomach. Like right below my breastbone, in the middle.
Can you describe how the pain feels Question
02/16/25 2:00 AM EST
Um, it feels like heartburn. But sometimes, if it’s bad, it’s sharper than that.
Does the pain increase Question
02/16/25 2:00 AM EST
Yeah, it’s getting worse over time. I get these stomach pains every day.
How many times a week have you been having issues with abdominal pain Question
02/16/25 2:01 AM EST
Every time I eat it hurts a little, but 3 or 4 times a week, it’ll be a lot worse.
Do you have the abdominal pain everyday Question
02/16/25 2:02 AM EST
Yeah, I’ve had stomach pain for awhile now.
When did the abdominal pain begin Question
02/16/25 2:02 AM EST
Probably at least a month ago. Maybe longer. It started out really minor so it took me awhile to realize it was getting bad.
How long does the pain last Question
02/16/25 2:03 AM EST
For a few hours after I eat.
Can you rate your current pain level on a scale of 0-10 Question
02/16/25 2:04 AM EST
Right now, it’s like a 1 or 2. But after I eat, it’s like a. . . 5?
Is the pain crushing Question
02/16/25 2:04 AM EST
Is the pain gnawing Question
02/16/25 2:05 AM EST

Tina Jones Gastrointestinal shadow health

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