Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health (1)

Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health (1)


Started: Jan 26, 2025 | Total Time: 58 min

All Lines (66)Interview Questions (63)Statements (3)Exam Actions (0)

Hi Ms. Jones, my name is Curtis. I will be your health care provider today Greet
01/26/25 2:46 PM EST
What brings you here today Question
01/26/25 2:47 PM EST
I decided to come in because I’m tired all the time now. . . I have this really important exam coming up, and I’m stressed and too foggy to study most of the time. I really need help sleeping so I can focus on preparing for my exam.
i am sorry to hear about your trouble sleeping and stress. I am happy you came today. Let me learn more about what you are experiencing and i will try to help (No matching questions found.) Question
01/26/25 2:49 PM EST
i am sorry to hear about your trouble sleeping and stress. I am happy you came today. (No matching questions found.) Question
01/26/25 2:49 PM EST
You must be having a difficult time. I will try to help you (No matching questions found.) Question
01/26/25 2:50 PM EST
I’m sorry to hear that Question
01/26/25 2:51 PM EST
My hearing is fine.
Sorry for your trouble sleeping and stress Empathize
01/26/25 2:53 PM EST
Thanks for understanding.
When did you start having trouble sleeping Question
01/26/25 2:54 PM EST
This all started almost a month ago. . . it’s been happening regularly for about three and a half weeks, I’d say.
How often do you have difficulty sleeping Question
01/26/25 2:54 PM EST
It’s happening most nights, I’d say. Four. . . more like five nights a week.
What were you thinking about when you could not sleep Question
01/26/25 2:55 PM EST
Mostly I start out worrying about this exam I have coming up, and how much I need to study, and then I start thinking about what happens if I don’t pass the exam, and even if I do, whether I’ll actually be able to find an accounting job once I graduate, and then if I do find a job, what if I’m bad at it. . . it just sort of builds on itself like that, just, like, worry upon worry.
Do you drink coffee Question
01/26/25 2:56 PM EST
Never. I don’t like it. Too bitter for my taste.
Do you take naps during the day Question
01/26/25 2:57 PM EST
I’m not really a big nap person–if I fall asleep, I want to sleep for hours, not wake up in twenty minutes feeling groggy. Plus I don’t have time for them, anyway.
Is there anything that helps you sleep Question
01/26/25 2:57 PM EST
Basically the only way I get to sleep easily is if I manage to feel less stressed out–sometimes I can sort of turn my thoughts away from what I’m worried about by distracting myself with something, like thinking about what I’m going to wear the next day or something like that. I’d rather avoid having to take medication if possible. Taking deep breaths can help a little, too.
Do you exercise Question
01/26/25 2:58 PM EST

Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health (1)

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