Tina Jones Musculoskeletal Shandow Health

Tina Jones Musculoskeletal Shandow Health


Started: Mar 02, 2025 | Total Time: 93 min

All Lines (173)Interview Questions (74)Statements (6)Exam Actions (93)

Hello ms. Jones, my name is curtis and i am a family nurse practitioner student in st Thomas University. I will be your provider today Greet
03/02/25 9:40 PM EST
what brings you in today Question
03/02/25 9:40 PM EST
Well, I have a lot of pain in my lower back. It really hurts, and it doesn’t seem to be going away. It’s making it kind of hard to get things done, so I decided to come in and have it looked at.
I am sorry to hear that you are having this lower back pain. I hope we can get to the root cause of your pain today and fix this problem and alleviate your pain (No matching questions found.) Question
03/02/25 9:42 PM EST
am sorry to hear that you are having this lower back pain. I hope we can get to the root cause of your pain today and fix this problem and alleviate your pain (No matching questions found.) Question
03/02/25 9:42 PM EST
am sorry to hear that you are having this lower back pain Question
03/02/25 9:42 PM EST
Yeah, it’s in my lower back and, like, the top of my butt.
what do you think brought on the pain Question
03/02/25 9:43 PM EST
I think it’s hurting from when I tweaked it while I was lifting a box.
When did you hurt yourself Question
03/02/25 9:44 PM EST
It happened three days ago.
Can you describe the pain Question
03/02/25 9:44 PM EST
It’s like. . . an ache.
what would you rate your pain from 0 to 10 Question
03/02/25 9:46 PM EST
Right now, since the Advil’s wearing off, it’s around a 5 out of 10.
when was the last time you took advil Question
03/02/25 9:47 PM EST
This morning, when I woke up. . . about five hours ago.
Do you know the dose of advil you took (Clarified to Do you know the dose of Advil?.) Question
03/02/25 9:49 PM EST
I’m not sure of the number…It’s just regular Advil, not extra strength or anything. (Clarified to what dosage of Advil I take.)
How much advil did you take Question
03/02/25 9:49 PM EST
I’ve been taking them every five or six hours, like it says on the bottle.
How many ibuprofen pills did you take Question
03/02/25 9:50 PM EST
I take two pills.
are you taking any other medications Question
03/02/25 9:50 PM EST
I’ve been taking Advil for my back, and I also have my inhalers.
Thank you for telling me the medications you use. Sometimes some medications can interact and have harmful side effects Educate
03/02/25 9:51 PM EST
OK, I understand.
Can you tell me why you were lifting the boxes Question
03/02/25 9:52 PM EST
I was helping my friend Selena move.

Tina Jones Musculoskeletal Shandow Health

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