Understanding High‐Risk Drinking Events

Make a follow-up of a student’s weekly discussion and respond with your opinion regarding to her post


——You don’t have to post this in APA format necessarily, it’s just giving feedback to the student .

Review the PICOT questions of two of your peers. Provide substantive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Erin  Coberg


Erin Coberg

TuesdayJan 30 at 1:39pm

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This article aims to provide a mixed-methods approach to understanding patterns of alcohol use amount college students. Previous research has indicated that students report heavier drinking surrounding specific events and how this varies from typical drinking patterns. Students were asked closed and open-ended questions during the survey to determine responses on previously identified high risk drinking events (HRDEs) as well as sharing their own events that resulted in heavy drinking, more than 5 drinks in one event. Two hundred and four college students reported the number of alcoholic beverages consumed at 9 predetermined events, but also indicated 5 other events that resulted in heavy drinking. Open ended events were categorized based on similarity, for example “my birthday” and “friend’s birthday” were grouped together based on the similarity of “birthday”. All open-ended categories resulted in much higher than expected in alcoholic beverages consumed, but also provided substantial variability. Students that reported heavy alcohol use for birthdays did not consistently report heavy alcohol use for New Year’s Eve or other holidays. Students reporting heavy alcohol use on Spring Break did not always report heavy alcohol use for holidays as well, despite holidays having high scores as HRDEs. A general statement was surmised; that events endorsed by more students often resulted in heavier drinking. Unlike previous studies, this study represented the differences in belief system of college students. There were not significant differences based on gender, race, or Greek affiliation. Data was collected from a single university, limiting the study to one geographical region influenced by the culture of the area. The conclusions and recommendations of the study are that the treatment and prevention of alcoholism is a highly unique experience for each individual. It becomes necessary to understand why and when someone utilizes alcohol to establish a treatment plan that will be feasible for the individual.

Garcia, T. A., Hultgren, B. A., Canning, J. R., Gilson, M. S., & Larimer, M. E. (2022). “On a night like this”: A mixed‐methods approach to understanding high‐risk drinking events in college students. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research46(6), 1121–1132. https://doi.org/10.1111/acer.14844

college HRDEs.pdf

understanding high‐risk drinking events


Thank you for sharing your analysis of the article titled “On a night like this: A mixed‐methods approach to understanding high‐risk drinking events in college students” by Garcia et al. It’s clear that you’ve provided a comprehensive summary of the study’s key findings and methodology.

Firstly, I appreciate how you explained the study’s focus on high-risk drinking events (HRDEs) among college students and the approach used in collecting data through closed and open-ended questions. The categorization of open-ended responses based on similarity is an interesting point and highlights the importance of analyzing not only the predetermined HRDEs but also individual events reported by students.

Additionally, your observation that events endorsed by more students often resulted in heavier drinking is a valuable insight. It underscores the social influence on alcohol consumption during specific occasions and can be essential for designing effective prevention and intervention strategies.

Furthermore, your note about the study’s limitation, being conducted in a single university within a specific geographical region, is crucial. It’s important to acknowledge that cultural and regional factors can influence drinking patterns and behaviors, which might limit the generalizability of the study’s findings to a broader population.

In terms of feedback and suggestions for improvement, here are a few points to consider:

  1. Provide a more explicit critique: While your summary is comprehensive, it might be helpful to include your personal opinion or critique of the study. Did you find any potential weaknesses in the research design, data collection, or analysis that could be addressed in future studies?
  2. Explore potential implications: It could be beneficial to discuss the potential implications of the study’s findings further. How might the knowledge gained from this research be applied in real-world settings, such as campus alcohol prevention programs or counseling services?
  3. Offer suggestions for future research: Since you mentioned the uniqueness of each individual’s alcohol consumption patterns, you could suggest directions for future research in this area. What unanswered questions or gaps in knowledge did the study reveal that could be explored in subsequent research?

Overall, your discussion post provides a thorough summary and analysis of the article, and your insights into the study’s findings are valuable. Expanding on your critique and exploring the broader implications and future research possibilities could enhance the depth of your response.

Great job on your contribution to the discussion!

Best regards, [Your Name]

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