United States Preventive Services Task Force

Assignment topic

Individual Preventive Screening

Review the clinician provider guidelines and recommendations from the United States Preventive Services Task Force A and B Recommendations.

For the master’s-prepared nurse, knowledge of epidemiology and its application to preventive screening guidelines is important in many clinical areas: administrative, education, and nurse practitioner fields. Individual patient preventive screenings are ordered as a secondary measure before symptoms occur. Preventive screenings are recommended based on outcome data from epidemiological studies, that the test is beneficial; based on risk and characteristics of the identified population in the screening guideline.

Select one screening below from the United States Preventive Services Task Force guidelines.

  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm
  • Breast cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Diabetes mellitus II
  • Lung cancer

Condition and Screening

  • Define the condition and type of screening.

Epidemiology of Condition

  • Discuss the epidemiology of the condition in the United States, via three statistical terms. Include the mortality and related morbidity statistics in numerical format and address trends. Include 3 comparisons: related disparities, such as race, sex, age, etc. Clearly state an analysis of the data, identifying gaps and inequities in care. Provide trends and outcomes related to screening benefits in numerical statistics.


  • Incorporate the described USPSTF guideline development methodology process, (How the guideline was developed).
  • Discuss the preventive guideline criteria the population and provide details on the screening tool.
  • Include detailed risk factors. If there is a risk prediction tool, include this.

Critical Analysis

  • Conduct a literature review of the guideline’s support used for its development. You may include alternative studies found in more recent literature supporting or offering alternative views.
  • Identify and discuss four studies used in the guideline development clearly relating the impact on the guideline criteria for screening, tool, or population etc.
  • Identify each study clearly in the paper and cite.


Provide a summary conclusion of the screening guideline, general benefit to the individual, and why it is important.

Format expectations:

  • Follow all assignment directions.
  • Introduction and conclusion are included.
  • Information in paragraphs and paper organized to convey the content to the reader.
  • Paper length paper should be 3–4 pages of content.
  • Follows APA in paper format, reference page, in-text citations, or headings.
  • Uses four or more credible peer-reviewed sources.

Master’s-prepared nurse educators, leaders, nurse practitioners, and all specialty nursing fields are contributors to health promotion in populations across the life span. You will demonstrate understanding and correct interpretations of preventive screening guidelines. You should be able to apply this knowledge to your specialty focus as it relates to health promotion and epidemiology.

The assignment is due to Dropbox at the end of by 11:59 p.m. ET the end of day 7 of Unit 2.

To view the grading rubric for this assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Submit to the Unit 2 Dropbox.

How to Submit:

When you are ready to submit your assignment, select the Dropbox and then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the assignment you submit.


Conditioning and Screening ●    Condition and type of screening are both identified and defined
●    Screening is in listed in the A or B category of the USPSTF
Epidemiology of Condition ●    Includes epidemiology of the condition in the United States, via three statistical terms
●    Includes the correct mortality and related morbidity statistics in numerical format
●    Addresses trends and outcomes statistically
●    Includes related disparities and inequities in three comparisons.
Methodology ●    Includes methodology process
●    Includes preventive guideline criteria, the population, and provides details on the screening tool.
●    Measures of screening included.
●    Includes a detailed assessment of risk factors/risk prediction tool
Critical Analysis ●    Conducts a literature review of the support used in the guideline.
●    Cites four studies in the analysis
Writing and APA format ●    Follows all assignment directions
●    Introduction and conclusion are included.
●    Information in paragraphs and paper organized to convey the content to the reader.
●    Paper length paper should be 3–4 pages of content
●    Contains less than two errors in sentence structure, subject verb agreement, punctuation, word choice, or spelling.
●    Contains less than two APA errors in paper format, reference page, in-text citations, or headings.
●    Uses four or more credible peer-reviewed sources.

epidemiology of the condition in the United States

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