Vision and Personal Goals

Post a brief introduction of yourself to your colleagues. Include an explanation as to how Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and social change initiatives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Also include an explanation for how the Walden MSN Program Outcomes and perspectives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Finally, explain why networking is important and how it may help you achieve your professional and academic goals.

Vision and Personal Goals

Mission, Vision and Personal Goals

From an early age, I knew I wanted to be in the medical field. I sought out classes, clubs, and activities that aligned with my goals. I really wanted to be a doctor; however, I realized that becoming a doctor required a lot more sacrifice and time than I was willing to give. Thus, I became a nurse because I have always been a people person who enjoys taking care of others. I have been a nurse for 15 years now, and I have truly found my calling. I ventured out of bedside nursing for a while and found that I really missed it. During my nursing career, I found that I was limited in my scope of practice and I could not impact health care as much I wanted to. Being witness to numerous gaps in the health care continuum led me to want a more active role in primary and preventive care. Hence, I decided to further my education and become a family nurse practitioner (FNP).

I started my journey to become an FNP about 10 years ago. I started the program at another university, but I did not get the support I needed to complete the program. I dropped out of the program and had second thoughts about becoming an FNP. I decided to go into diabetes education at another school and quickly figured out that I was missing out on my calling. This particular school did not offer an FNP program, so I had to drop out again. I was becoming disheartened because most schools would only take a small portion of my transfer credits. However, Walden University was my saving grace. I only had to repeat a couple of classes, and then I would be on my way to finishing my degree. I finished my first didactic class and practicum in 2014 and had to take a long hiatus due to various circumstances. Nevertheless, during my time at Walden, I found that their vision, mission, and goals closely aligned to my own beliefs and goals. Walden’s vision, mission, and goals center around a commitment to producing knowledgeable scholar-practitioners that promote positive social change, and that is exactly what I am striving to be and do (Walden University, n.d.-a).

Social Change

I have a passion for people and am working diligently to become an impactful, contributing member of society that assists people to become the best versions of themselves. Because of my desire to influence positive social change, I have started a nonprofit organization that focuses on women, children, and health prevention and promotion. I eventually want to pair my career as an FNP with my nonprofit in order to broaden my reach and become a change-maker that aids in decreasing morbidity and mortality, especially related to preventable diseases and illnesses. This correlates to Walden’s ideology about social change because Walden University (n.d.-a) aims to improve our society by providing education and resources to individuals to assist them in being agents of positive change in our society and their communities. Walden’s emphasis on social change is in-line with other educational institutions that have recognized the importance of social change in nursing and the positive impact the field can have in transforming health care by supporting efforts to promote equality, social justice, and other social issues that improve our society (Read et al., 2016).

MSN Program Outcomes and Perspectives

Walden University’s (n.d.-b) MSN program has seven learning outcomes. Two of the outcomes resonated with me and what I hope to accomplish as an FNP. One outcome focuses on advocating for individuals with the goal of closing the health care gap that is experienced by certain individuals and populations. The other outcome focuses on effective communication via various communication methods (Walden University, n.d.-b). I advocate for my patients now and plan to do so when I become an FNP. Also, I am working on being a better communicator. As a leader of a nonprofit and a future FNP, effective communication with others is key. Communication helps relationships to grow and be built and provides a platform to learn others’ points of view. Without effective communication, it would be difficult for an individual or organization to be successful (Kavithanjali, 2020).

This time around I am excited to finally finish my degree. I am in a different place in life and ready to take on what lies ahead with pursuing my education and furthering my career. Walden University’s vision, mission, goals, and learning outcomes align with my goals to become an FNP. Additionally, their perspective on social change also resonates with me. Through the resources available to me at Walden, I hope to grow my knowledge base, expand my network, and ultimately become a scholar-practitioner.


Kavithanjali, J. (2020). Art of Effective Communication for Professional Growth and Achievement. Language in India, 20(3), 99.

Read, C. Y., Pino Betancourt, D. M., & Morrison, C. (2016). Social change: A framework for inclusive leadership development in nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(3), 164-167. doi:

Walden University. (n.d.-a). Vision, mission, and goals. Retrieved May 31, 2020, from

Walden University. (n.d.-b). MSN learning outcomes. Retrieved May 31, 2020, from

Review the College of Nursing’s vision and mission.

Select College of Nursing, then Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). Review the MSN Learning Outcomes on this page.

Select Introduction, then the link “Vision, Mission, and Goals” under the Introduction header. Review Walden’s vision, mission, and goals.

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